Finals Preparation Week and Finals Preparation Policy
Approved by: Northeastern State University Executive Cabinet
Responsible Official: Academic Affairs 918-444-2062
History: Adopted November 17, 2015
Related Policies:
Additional References:
The policy reinforces the importance of finals preparation week (the week before finals during the regular semester) and articulates expectations for that week and finals week for both students and faculty.
The policy will reinforce the importance of faculty articulating all assignments due
the week before
finals and preclude student organizations from holding meetings, functions or other
events during Finals Preparation Week without special permission from the office of
the Vice
President of Student Affairs.
The last full week of classes before final examinations is designated as Finals Preparation
Week for
each fall and spring semester. This week should be a time when students are completing
semester and looking forward to their culminating work of finals week. While Finals
Preparation Week
will contain exams or lectures as warranted by the professor, certain stipulations
will be enforced to
ensure predictability in this critical time.
- Final examinations will be given during their approved time during finals week in keeping with University Policy. The only exceptions to this restriction are laboratory course finals that are traditionally given during Finals Preparation Week to avoid scheduling conflicts.
- Any major assignments (e.g., those counting for 10% or more of the final grade) that are to be turned in during Finals Preparation Week must clearly appear on the syllabus at the beginning of the semester. While exact dates may not be known at the beginning of the semester (and hence couldn't be given), the assignment and portion of the grade it represents should be clearly stated in the class syllabus.
- Student organizations are expected to refrain from holding meetings, functions, or sponsored events during Finals Preparation Week. Any exception to this restriction must be authorized in advance by Office of the Vice President of Student Affairs.
NSU values the best efforts of its faculty and students. This policy recognizes the
importance of
preparation and planning to make Finals Week successful.